Thank you to everyone who participated in the April 16th AIM shoot. We really enjoy having this great bunch of young shooters competing in these events at Del-Tone. The score sheets from that day are attached in the photos.
Also, some medals have been rolling in from previous shoots. Those of you who have individual medals coming should start seeing them show up in the mail. BUT, the team medals have been going to coach Kobienia and are at the clubhouse for you to pick up. SO, if your name is on the following list, please remember to grab your medal next time you are near St. Cloud.
Davis Holker……….Feb. Jr. Team Runner Up
Ozzie Allen…………Feb. Jr. Team Runner Up
Aiden Tadych……..Feb. Jr. Team Runner Up
Lance Klersy……….Feb. Jr. Team Runner Up
Ellie Flemming…….Feb. Jr. Team CHAMP
Benett Kiffmeyer…Feb. Jr. Team CHAMP
Congratulations, you have medals waiting for you at Del-Tone, and congratulations to all of you who have received medals, or have medals still coming. The AIM shooting being done by these “kids” is some of the very best in the state. It can take several weeks for the ATA to get the medals sent out, but you should all be proud of the shooting you have done and we want to be sure that you recieve the medals you have earned.
With the regular ATA shoots beginning across the state, and the high school clay target league in full swing, we wish you all good luck and good shooting wherever you may be.
Handicap Scores from April 16th AIM Shoot.