Yesterdays end of league fun shoot was a real blast (pun intended). Good food, good friends, and good shooting was par for the day, and the weather was beautiful throughout.
The 50 rock Lewis Class tourney turned into a real barn burner with three 50 straights posted. Ajay Alden, Brian Pilarski, and Jack Ellering all put up 50 straight, and split the pot. But just to clear the air, Jack and Brian shot it out to see who’s name would be remembered on the Summer League 50 Rock Trophy. In the end it was young Jack, who broke another 25 consecutive targets and came up victorious.
The final results were as follows.
1) Jack Ellering – 50
2) Brian Pilarski / Ajay Alden – 50
1) Dick Berger – 47
2)Tom Schutta – 47
A friendly game of Annie Oakley ensued shortly thereafter, and as that game goes, there were a lot of laughs and some truly amazing shots made, perhaps the greatest of which was Pat Killian’s epic long shot from the 27 yard line with the target just feet from the ground, which eliminated three of his competitors with a single pull of the trigger. Nice shot Pat!